Structured Settlement calculators answer fundamental questions about payment scenarios and annuity payments. They assume that total compensation will be received in periodic payments over a certain period of time. Most answers from these structured settlement calculators give an approximate estimate of the amount of money that would be paid in a lump sum or monthly payments. But they do not account for tax implications or carry the account management risk.
Structured Settlement Calculator answers the question of how much would be received in a lump sum or monthly payments in the case of a structured settlement. However, please note that an accurate calculation of the lump sum amount would depend on a number of factors including: the selling price of the annuity payments, the cost of sale by the structured settlement buyer, the level of negotiation skill with which a structured settlement buyer can attain a better (or higher) rate, and the payment interest rate. It assumes that the annuitant will receive the entire value of the annuity. For the purpose of simplicity, the lump sum is usually set at a rate lower than the prevailing market interest rate. In this case, it is assumed that the annuitant will not receive any further payouts beyond the lump sum he or she receives.
These calculators also assume that the remaining time frame involved in paying the lump sum amount will be equal to the amount of time left available under the agreement. In reality, payments are paid only for the time frame specified in the structured settlement calculator. In addition, these calculators fail to take into account possible spiking or nonspecific inflation. As a result, these are not as accurate as an actual annuity calculator. Also, these fail to take into account possible life coverage benefit.
There are other online sites, which provide access to real time information about payments received by structured settlement recipients. Some of these sites also have tools for figuring out the potential amount of future annuity payments based on a number of factors. These calculators are very useful for those who are considering selling their annuities to obtain a lump sum payment. These tools are especially valuable for investors who use these payments as a source of insurance against possible losses. These calculators can help determine an amount that should be paid and how much money to payout at different times.
A structured settlement calculator can help determine a reasonable price for an annuity. This can be used by financial planners, insurance agents, and mortgage brokers. These individuals may need to obtain a court order in order to sell a structured settlement to achieve a future payment. In order to make an informed decision, they must have all of the relevant information that they need in order to make an informed decision regarding selling.
When using a structured settlement calculator, one must remember that there can be significant variation between future payments received and expected payout amounts. This is because the rate of return on investments can vary greatly. The value of future payments received can fluctuate based upon how long it will take to recoup the total cost of making the payments over time. It also depends upon the interest rates. The discount rate, or percent, can affect the payout amount.