Monthly Archives: February 2021

Using a Structured Settlement Calculator

Structured Settlement Calculator

Using a Structured Settlement Calculator

Structured Settlement Calculator is an online financial tool that helps you determine the value of a settlement over time. Generally speaking, all that’s needed to correctly run a certain quote through a structured settlement calculator is: the amount of money involved in the settlement (the lump sum), the time duration in years and months, and the type of annuity or settlement plan being used (either a whole life annuity or a variable annuity plan). It’s important to know how much the settlement would be worth in real-time, since this will allow you to determine the actual payout amount once all the required fees are collected from the winner of the case. These calculators allow you to input data such as the settlement amount, interest rate, life expectancy, and more. In the past, you would need to visit a company that specialized in these types of financial tools in order to run these estimates.

The basic way that these calculators work is as follows. You enter your data; the software will determine the interest rate, life expectancy of the recipient, and average monthly installments that would need to be paid. The resulting values are then summed, and the total is determined by the type of plan being utilized. You may choose to have your payments applied to each specific payment, or you may choose to have the total divided up into “dates,” where each payment date is adjusted based on the amount of time it takes for the entire lump sum to reach its payout. This is particularly helpful when the recipient lives a long time after receiving their settlement, since the installments will accumulate significantly lower payments over that period of time.

Some calculators allow you to plug in your own information as well. These include such factors as starting salaries, total assets, current stock investments, possible annual dividends, potential future annuities, and more. Once the lump sum is determined, you can plug your personal details so that they will be recalculated based on your details. This way, you’ll have an easier time getting a rough estimate of what your payments will be.

One other aspect of a structured settlement calculator that can be very useful is the fact that they provide information on potential tax implications of remaining the recipient of a payout. It is common for individuals and companies to receive a settlement in full. However, some choose to make some periodic payments instead. If you are planning on cashing out your payments, you may want to consider paying a higher lump sum so that you’ll get more money as a payout. However, if the taxes on the structured settlement are less than your current tax rate, you may end up saving money in the long run.

Many individuals and companies who receive structured payments choose not to sell their payments until a later date. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that future investors will be interested in purchasing these payments, so you could wind up having your payments sold at a discount rate. If you use a Structured Settlement Calculator, you can plug in your information so that you can see your payment value over time and in different rates of return. This allows you to determine whether or not selling your payments is a good decision for you.

The most important part about making money from structured settlements is finding a way to sell them to generate the highest amount of profit. Fortunately, if you have a Structured Settlement Calculator, you can quickly figure out how much money you could make if you were to cash out your structured settlement payments. A Structured Settlement Calculator can also help you learn more about paying off your loan early, reducing your interest rate, and obtaining a better loan term. It is important to remember that having a calculator does not assure that you will receive a larger lump sum amount; however, it can help you do your research so that you can make the best decisions possible. Structured Settlement calculators can also help you make decisions about selling your structured settlement payments, cashing out at a discount rate, and other important financial decisions. In the end, using one of these tools can be extremely helpful if you are seriously considering cashing in your structured settlement payments.

What Are the Pros and Cons of a Lump Sum Income Tax Settlement?

Lump Sum versus Payments

What Are the Pros and Cons of a Lump Sum Income Tax Settlement?

When people hear the term “Lump Sum” this is referring to the actual amount of money that can be obtained from a settlement or a legal process. It does not refer to the actual money that is given to the person winning the case. The money that is obtained through these settlements is usually very substantial and many people use it to either purchase homes or go on vacation. It is easy to understand why people would want to get money as quickly as possible and lump sum awards have been known to accomplish this.

However, one of the key differences between lump sum versus payments is that with a lump sum you do not have to worry about making any payments. There is no interest to be paid or any additional fees that have to be paid. With a settlement there is usually some type of payment structure which is designed to help the person collecting the debt pay their legal expenses and their legal fees. They are then able to receive a percentage of that money that they have won. However, this percentage is usually quite low. For this reason, this method of debt collection has been known to be more effective and a better way to collect on outstanding debts.

In order to make sure that you are getting the right type of settlement to fit your particular needs, it is important to research the various lump sum versus payments options that are available. The best way to do this is by consulting with a certified public accountant or a tax attorney. Both of these professionals will be able to offer you invaluable advice when it comes to making sure that you get the best deal possible on your lump sum. The tax consequences can be staggering and you need someone who knows all about how the IRS works to resolve your tax problem.

In many cases, your initial lump sum settlement will be for considerably less than the total amount that you would end up paying over time. You will then have to agree to regular monthly payments that reflect the amount that you initially agreed to pay and the regularity of those payments. Because of the way that IRS rules and regulations work, there will be additional fees involved for the use of these tax consequences. These fees are referred to as “penalty fees” and you will find that these can quickly add up. For this reason, you should only accept a lump sum payment if there is some benefit to you other than the one-time settlement tax consequence.

Another thing to consider is how the terms of payment agreed to will impact future collections. Some debt collectors and collection agencies will only work with you if you agree to long-term payments. This can often work in your favor because it gives them the ability to get your regular monthly payments over an extended period of time without having to make you go through the same process all over again. With some collection agencies, this can work to your disadvantage because they may not always work with you in the future. However, in many instances you can work out a reasonable agreement so both you and the collection agency will be satisfied.

When deciding on whether or not you should receive a lump sum payment, remember that the IRS rules on debt collection incentives can work in your favor. For many people, lump sum payments can represent an easy way to get out from under a lot of debt. Just make sure that you carefully examine all of your options and that you don’t sign up for anything that will negatively impact your future credit. The IRS may also be willing to work with you on the penalty fee issue but that will depend on your own personal circumstances. You should consult with a professional tax debt attorney if you have questions about debt collection incentives or about the IRS itself. They can help you decide whether or not you should opt for a lump sum payment versus regular monthly payments.

How to Sell Structured Settlement Payments on the Secondary Market

Sell Structured Settlement payments

How to Sell Structured Settlement Payments on the Secondary Market

When you sell structured settlement payments, you have to realize the possible financial implications that such a choice may have on your financial future. When you sell structured payments, there are many methods in which this can be accomplished. Note: when you sell part of your present payments, those options will all have a different value: selling all future payments at once. But note that selling all payments will take much longer to complete than just one payment. It also depends on the value of the remaining payments; if they are worth less now than when you started, and they are much more than what you owe, it may take a very long time to sell all payments and receive what you want.

You’ll need an expert broker when you want to sell your settlement payments because they can help you to determine the present value. The present value of a settlement is the amount it would cost to purchase the settlement payments from the company at their current market price. Many companies will reduce their present value to get you to agree to pay them. However, this doesn’t always mean that the settlement will sell for more money than the buyer is willing to pay; it just means that the buyers are willing to buy it at the current market value.

So, when you sell structured settlement payments you should know how to determine the fair market value. There are companies that base the fee they charge on the present value, and there are companies that don’t. The factoring companies usually base their fee on the present value, and you shouldn’t go with a factoring company that charges you a fee for having a good idea of the settlement’s fair market value.

If the buyer is a financial company, the broker will need information about the buyer’s discount rate. A discount rate is a ratio of the initial payment price to the total amount of future payments sold by the buyer. If the buyer has a low discount rate, then you are more likely to sell your payments for a profit. However, if your discount rate is high then you are less likely to sell your structured settlement payments for a profit.

When you sell structured settlement payments the buyers will either buy the entire payments at one time or they will break them up into several payments. Either way, you will receive a lump sum amount for the settlement. The amount that you sell will depend on many factors including your age, the length of time you have had your payments, your credit rating, and your income source. However, some buyers will buy all your payments at once for a higher lump sum. The other factor that will help you decide how much to sell your payments for is the interest rate that is being charged to you on the secondary market.

There are several brokers who can help you with selling your future structured settlement payments to the secondary market. These brokers will charge you a fee for their services and you will be responsible for finding a buyer for all of the future payments that you have. Once you have found a buyer for all of the future payments then you will be able to easily get your money from the buyer and pay your bills. You will also be able to live comfortably knowing that you have made a good decision and that the company you bought the future payments from is now gone.

How You Can Use Your Annuity to Build Your Future


How You Can Use Your Annuity to Build Your Future

In recent years, the annuity industry has boomed and now there are millions of Americans who invest in an annuity each month. The ultimate objective of an annuity is basically to provide you with a secure monthly stream of money during your golden years, that sounds so wonderful in the beginning. But are annuities, the safe way to secure a worry-free retirement for you? Be absolutely sure about your future retirement. A few tips can help you make sure you receive the largest lump sum payout when you decide to cinch the annuity purchase.

If you are planning to cinch the annuity purchase in the first five years, plan for six payments, not five. When you reach the five-year mark, you can decide whether or not you need the extra payments. They may seem like additional expenses at the time, but in the long run, they will save you money by keeping your monthly payments down and by providing you with extra income to live on until your golden years.

If you have a variable annuity, make sure the variable annuities are worth the amount you are contributing. If you are contributing too much money, the insurance company will not be willing to compensate you for the lack of principal. This can result in the surrender of your variable annuity. However, if the value of the variable annuity has risen so much, the surrender will not be as much of a concern.

Try to determine the present value of your annuity. Present value refers to the amount of your annuity could potentially be worth in your remaining lifetime. The formula for this calculation involves the amount of interest earned, expected interest, and principal balance. The present value of an annuity is equal to the excess of the current market value of the annuity over the total face value. Assume that your future annuity payments are worth the present value of ten percent of your total annuity, and then calculate how much extra cash you will receive upon retirement.

Most people opt for deferred annuity payments. Deferred annuity payments are payments that are made later, but are based on the performance of the underlying annuity. The deferred annuity will earn interest, but the payments will not start until the investor has a well-defined income stream. Because deferred annuities are less expensive than most standard annuities, you can easily pocket more of your payments as you grow older, leaving you with less debt as you reach retirement age.

In summary: when you invest your money in an annuity, you are building a foundation for your future. When you retire, what you want to do is build on that foundation. Choose a solid annuity product with a competitive rate of return, adequate inflation protection, and a long-term commitment to growth. By doing so, you can have cash to buy a comfortable retirement home or to enjoy your lifestyle during your golden years.

How a Payment Calculator Can Help You Make the Right Mortgage Payment

The Payment Calculator enables you to figure out the various amounts you can afford to pay for various loans, mortgages and other financial commitments, such as car loans, college education loans, etc. More specifically, it helps borrowers budget short-term and long-term payments, both for personal and business purposes. By inputting the required figures, such as start up costs, loan interest rate, loan amount, term of loan, current employment and other factors, the Payment Calculator estimates the amount that can be saved, or spent, over a certain period of time. In this way, it helps the borrower to make an informed decision regarding his short term and long term finances. The following sections highlight different aspects of the Payment Calculator.

– The Payment Calculator can effectively determine the payment amount or repayment term for a particular fixed-interest loan, on the basis of your current income. Simply plug in the required figures, including your total monthly income, take the yearly deduction for annual tax and other bills, and compare the result to the loan’s interest rate. For a student loan, use the “fixed-payment” tab to figure out your possible monthly payments. For a business start up loan, use the “fixed-term” tab, while for student loans, use the “guaranteed-payment” option.

– The Payment Calculator also indicates the annual percentage rate or APR for each type of loan. This calculation is based on the number of months you plan to pay. For example, if you plan to borrow for five years, and the annual percentage rate is 10%, then the calculator will indicate that you will pay approximately a minimum amount per month throughout the full duration of the five-year loan term. Use the drop-down list to select the option that best matches your loan’s APR.

– There are two types of mortgage products available, fixed rate and adjustable rate mortgages. Using the Payment Calculator to determine the appropriate monthly payment amount can help you make an informed choice regarding which mortgage product to choose. Fixed rate mortgages offer a lower monthly payment amount than Adjustable Rate Mortgages but come with more adjustable terms. For example, on a thirty year fixed-rate mortgage, the payment can range from a minimum of three percent to a maximum of six percent over the course of the loan’s fixed term. The calculator determines the amount of your payment and offers you the option of selecting a longer term.

Some people prefer Adjustable Rate Mortgages, as they offer a flexible monthly payment amount, which can be adjusted as interest rates rise or fall. However, with Adjustable Rate Mortgages, there is more risk involved with changing interest rates. Mortgage payments are determined at the time of purchase, and the payment can vary for several months until the date of your loan’s maturity. The calculator can help you decide whether an Adjustable Rate Mortgage is the best type of mortgage to purchase based on your income and monthly expenses. The calculator can also help you determine whether an ARM is an appropriate choice based on your circumstances. You can enter your employment details to find out more about your mortgage options.

To use a mortgage calculator, simply enter the required information and compare it with the results of different calculators. You can use as many different calculators as you need, but it is advisable to try out different mortgage calculators to find out which one can give you a better value for money. Also, when you are making a large purchase such as a home, it is always advisable to seek expert advice before finalising your loan details. You can ask your real estate agent for advice on which type of mortgage to apply for. They may even be able to provide you with a free mortgage calculator that you can use.

Structured Settlement Calculator

Structured Settlement calculators are online tools used to determine the amount of money that a claimant of a structured settlement would receive in exchange for a lump sum award from a court or an insurance company. These online calculators take the basic information found in a claimant’s structured settlement claim and convert it to an easy to understand value. This value is then used to calculate future annuity payments and other financial assumptions. However, many people wonder if using these calculators is legal. The following is legal advice regarding the use of a structured settlement calculator.

Structured Settlement Calculator

In general, there is no limit on the number of times that you can input information into a structured settlement calculator. In most cases, you will need to know the amount of each structured settlement payment that will be received, date of settlement payment and the amount of each installment that will be made over the course of a certain amount of time (the years, month or quarter). Generally speaking, all of the information that you would need to run this type of calculation is required to be true and accurate. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. For example, you may not be able to determine an interest rate that is below zero until after negotiating with your financial institution.

If you use a structured settlement calculator that allows you to enter more than one lump sum payment, you must provide the same information for each of those payments. Otherwise, you will get an incorrect future payment amount and will not be able to determine if the remaining lump sum settlements will meet your financial needs. Additionally, you should remember not to change any information on a structured settlement calculator once you have made your initial submission. If you enter new information on a later date, you risk making an error in the calculation. It is best to conduct this type of information processing with the assistance of an attorney or other experienced professional.

While using a structured settlement calculator can be very useful for determining the payout amounts of your annuity and other plans, it does not offer any advice on how to resolve disputes with insurance companies. Such issues must be resolved between you and the insurance company. Do not use the calculator to try to negotiate a lesser payout amount if the final amount you receive from your insurance company is substantially less than the lump sum payments you had hoped to receive. You may also want to seek legal counsel before taking any steps to settle your claims with your insurance carrier.

If you want to use a structured settlement calculator to estimate future payout amounts, you must provide the same information for all future payments that will be received. Otherwise, you will obtain an incorrect present value of your settlement; and, therefore, an inaccurate future value of your settlement. Present value of a settlement is simply the current value of your settlement after all associated costs have been allocated. However, you will still receive the total amount of your settlement, including any applicable charges. The future value of a settlement is the amount you actually will receive in a settlement when all associated costs are factored in.

One common example of the use of a structured settlement calculator is to help determine whether a wrongful death claim will cover expenses that accrue up front and which must be paid upon the settlement of the victim. Some individuals try to circumvent the system by obtaining a large lump sum and paying their bills immediately. However, such a course of action can open the door to a long litigation process that takes advantage of the financial constraints most people are facing today. In such circumstances, individuals should consult an attorney who has experience dealing with these types of lawsuits. In many instances, the attorney can determine the proper way to calculate damages in order to receive the maximum benefits. If you are faced with a situation that requires you to determine the value of a settlement, be sure to consult an attorney well versed in these types of cases.

Lump Sum versus Payments

Lump Sum versus Payments

Lump Sum versus Payments

Lump sum or payment is a debate that continues to rage amongst investors. The reality of the situation is, it’s hard to come to a conclusion which is suitable to suggest the pros and cons of each form of investment. In this short article, we are going to discuss some of the key differences between lump sum versus payments, as well as why it’s important to choose one form of investment over the other. By the time you’ve finished reading this, you’ll be better informed on this debate and be able to make an informed decision for yourself.

One of the key differences between lump sum versus payments is the method of calculation of taxes. In terms of taxes, the lump sum payment is calculated by looking at the amount of money available in the contract and then subtracting from it the amount of taxes required by the workers’ comp policy. The second form of calculation is more straightforward, where you simply deduct the amount of money that you’re due from your salary.

The biggest disadvantage of lump sum versus payments is that this form of investment doesn’t offer any flexibility in terms of how you invest. This means that you’re stuck with whatever you’ve got in the account, regardless of how you choose to use the money that you’ve accumulated. However, as mentioned above, if you happen to reach a point in which you need some extra cash, you might be tempted to sell your bonds, stocks, or mutual funds for a lump sum. Even though this is a perfectly legitimate strategy, it’s best to hold off, and instead use the lump sum to pay for an extended holiday, a new set of golf clubs, or a trip to Hawaii. Remember, you’ll be taxed on any profits that you make, so it’s important to think about how much of a benefit that you’d get by selling off assets instead of waiting until tax time.

Another advantage of lump sum versus payments is that they tend to be considerably more affordable than some other forms of investments. While you might not get the same returns that you would get from stock, bonds, or mutual funds, you’re still able to enjoy a bit of a safety net if you have a monthly income. As long as you’re insured and the insurance provider offers a decent annuity rate, your lump sum could easily cover the cost of a year or two of retiree benefits. The downside is that annuity payments can turn out to be expensive if interest rates drop even more, which is why it’s a good idea to take a look at what kind of coverage you’re getting with your pension. If your company offers a defined benefit pension plan, you might be in luck, as this type of retirement plan usually allows you to withdraw money before you retire without penalties.

While lump sum versus payments may not always be the best option, remember that you can use the money you receive to supplement your pension. If you need a little extra money each month, look into investing the lump sum for your own benefit. You may be surprised at how profitable these investments can be and how much better off you’ll be once you’ve retired. If you have a defined benefit pension plan, you may find that you’re eligible for a tax break once you’ve accumulated your pension payments and are allowed to invest the money.

Lump Sum versus Payments can also affect your loved ones, if you have more than one who is receiving retirement pay. If you’re contributing to their pension plans, think about how they’d feel if you had passed away and taken their annuity payments with you. In most cases, it’s simply more financially feasible for them to receive the full amount than it is for you to.

Get Quotes From Factoring Companies Before You Sell Structured Settlement Payments

Sell Structured Settlement payments

Get Quotes From Factoring Companies Before You Sell Structured Settlement Payments

Based on recent news about the secondary structured settlement markets, you already know that transferring your future annuity payments from your existing structured settlement to a buyer is perfectly legal. But knowing that you can sell your future payments to someone you do not even know does not mean that you have to. There are some very important questions you must ask yourself before you move forward with any of this. Questions such as:

What are the pros and cons associated with selling structured settlement payments? What are the potential pitfalls? What are the qualifications for obtaining cash from factoring companies? What are the fees that will need to be paid up front?

One of the most important considerations when considering the purchase of structured settlements by a third party is what is known as a discount rate. Simply put, this is the percentage that factoring companies and other buyers pay for each account. In short, it is the rate at which you sell structured settlement payments rights. While the discount rate is critical, it is far from the only consideration that should be made.

For instance, when you consider selling your future payments, there are many factors that go into determining the present value of the settlement payments that you have. These factors include: the amount of time the payments will take to begin making a return on investment, the longevity of the payments themselves, and the level of inflation that may affect the value of the payments themselves. Another important factor that may affect your present value is the creditworthiness of the buying company that is interested in acquiring your annuity or payment stream. How well does the buying company’s credit profile reflect positively on the company and its ability to pay you back? All these factors and more will all play a role in determining the current value of the payments that you are interested in selling.

However, there is another important consideration that goes far beyond the factors that will impact your present value; the effect that selling your annuity will have on your entire life insurance policy. In fact, many insurance companies actually prefer to receive structured settlement payments rather than immediate monthly payments from their policy holders. In fact, some life insurance companies actually penalize policy holders for selling their payments to another company for immediate cash. This is because they view this practice as an attempt to “steal” money right out of their policy holders’ paychecks.

In short, you must get quotes from factoring companies before you attempt to sell your future annuity. You also need to know what the current market values of your structured settlements are. Then, once you get those quotes, you must compare those quotes with the current market value of your own annuity. If the price difference is too insignificant to make a difference in your total annuity payment, then you are wasting your time. However, if the price difference makes a significant difference in your payment amount, then it may be a good idea to work with a structured settlement purchasing company to sell your annuity payments.

Calculate Your Monthly Payment Easily Using a Payment Calculator

Payment Calculator

Calculate Your Monthly Payment Easily Using a Payment Calculator

The Payment Calculator determines the loan amount or monthly payment for a specific loan interest rate. To use this tool, you must first enter in the required data and then click the button “Run”. Use the left pane of the calculator to view the different cells and their values. The Payment column displays the amount of payment you will be expected to make monthly. The fixed payments column shows the number of fixed payments you will have to make each month.

To use the payment calculator for student loans, you must first enter the loan information. Then, use the drop-down menu next to “Deferred Repayments” to display the different types of repaying choices. Use the left pane of the student loan calculator to view the different cell values and their corresponding payment options.

Fixed rate mortgages are generally the most popular type of loans used by students. You can also find calculators that feature adjustable interest rates. Adjustable rate mortgages are less common, but they are sometimes used as well. The Payment Calculator finds the right option for the student.

Most people go with the fixed rate mortgage calculator. It requires inputting in the interest rate, loan amount and the duration of the mortgage. A monthly payment amount is then calculated from those inputs. The initial loan amount is the total cost of all necessary expenses and it is deducted from the final monthly payment amount. The final result is the monthly payment. Mortgage calculators that use only amortizations may not give you a good estimate of how much your monthly budget will be once the mortgage is paid off completely.

It is important to note that not all calculators work for all mortgages. Fixed term mortgages usually have terms lasting thirty or forty years. Many mortgage calculators assume a fifteen-year term. Before you enter in your figures for your mortgage calculator, make sure the length of your mortgage term is accurate.

Other calculators require separate input into the loan details. These include the interest rate, loan amount and other input factors. Make sure to enter the same numbers for all the loans you consider. The Payment Calculator also works with different loan amounts, but you can find calculators that work with any number of loan amounts.

There are a few additional factors included in many calculators. Loan term and the amount of money left on the loan can affect the calculations. Annual interest rates may change over the life of the loan. These additional factors may change the final amount you receive from the calculator.

When using the Payment Calculator to determine the amount of monthly pay you would receive if you refinance, there are a couple of things to remember. Be sure to factor in the cost of closing, insurance and taxes. Also, make sure you enter the same numbers for all your loans. Finally, remember to leave the loan term blank if the calculator determines the fixed monthly pay off amount.

The Present Value Formula Explained


The Present Value Formula Explained

An annuity is usually a legally binding contract between an individual who has sold an annuity and an insurance company. When an individual receives payments in an annuity, they are receiving a lump sum which is the entire face value of the annuity, less any pre-determined fees. The amount of money in an annuity is typically determined by how much of a lump sum to the insured will receive upon retirement. In order to better understand how annuities work, it is important to first look at how annuities actually work.

Annuities are payouts which are based on the present values of future payments. The present value of an annuity can be thought of as a stream of money that continues to increase with inflation until it is depleted. The future payment value of a structured settlement is essentially the same amount, depending on how long it will take the settlement funds to accumulate. The higher the discount rate, which can be anywhere from zero to about 5%, the lower the annuity’s present value.

Life annuities are one of two types: guaranteed or variable. With a guaranteed annuity the entire end date of the plan is set at the time of purchase; however, with a variable annuity payments can be altered at any time. Guaranteed life annuities include benefit payments, variable universal life annuities (VULA), and variable universal life (UVLA) plans. As for life insurance payouts, most people receive their payments in monthly installments called premiums.

A fixed annuity pays a fixed amount every month for the agreed period of time. The annuitant can choose to make additional payments which are applied to their principle or paid directly to the fund. These annuity payments are guaranteed regardless of the performance of the stock market or other factors. However, these payments are not without risks as there is no guarantee that the payer will live to the end.

A lump sum is included in the calculation of the present value of an annuity. The lump sum is equal to the present value multiplied by the number of years stated in the agreement. In order to determine the present value is subtracted from the amount of money the payer expected to receive. If the expected amount of money changes, the lump sum is adjusted accordingly. One disadvantage to lump sum payments is that the value may be affected by inflation. In order to adjust for inflation, most annuities are adjusted periodically.

Many financial institutions use a combination of present value formula and discount rates to calculate the initial value of retirement annuities. Present value is defined as the present cost less the future cost, while discount rates are used to determine the risk-adjusted initial payment amount. It is recommended to speak with a financial representative before purchasing an annuity. They can advise a person on the best annuity options available. While there are a number of reputable companies that offer annuity products, there are also many Factoring Companies that are known for low quality annuities.