What Is An Annuity?


What Is An Annuity?

Your future annuity can be a lump sum payment of money or it can also be a monthly, quarterly, or annual payment. When you are planning for your annuity, you should first calculate how much you would like to receive per month, quarter, or year. Then, you should take a look at the current prices of annuities and determine which one will give you the best payment value. Here are some tips to help you with your annuity investment.

First, you must learn about the terms used in the annuity calculator. The present value of a future annuity simply is the amount of money left over after a lump sum payment is made. The initial rate of return or annuity discount is also a part of this equation. The annuity’s future payments are usually lower depending on the annuity discount.

In order for you to determine the value of your annuity, you must know the basics of its calculation using the annuity payment formula. The first step in this step involves finding the present values of your two numbers. These are the rates of interest and the life expectancy of your investment. If you are still employed and your first monthly pay check is more than enough, then you can use the rate of inflation calculator in your Internet browser. The life expectancy number is simply the number of years you expect to live; it is equal to 365.

There are two types of annuities: variable and fixed. A variable annuity can have fixed payments that can be re-invested or cashed in for more money down the line. Some annuities also allow for re-investment only over a certain time interval, usually a year to five years. With a fixed annuity, you will receive your initial payments in one lump sum. This lump sum can be used to do things such as pay off high interest rate accounts or invest for retirement savings.

With both types of annuities, you will receive your payments at some point in the future, most likely when you reach the annuity’s term limits. You will be told by your financial advisor which payments are made first and how much will go to your retirement account. Because each financial advisor will have his or her own opinions and estimates, you may have to shop around a bit before settling on the best deal. It is also wise to consult with several advisors before choosing the plan that best meets your financial goals. You can also get information about various plans through the Internet.

One thing you should always keep in mind when comparing two annuities is that the actual value of your annuity will be lower than the present value. With an ordinary annuity, this is rarely an issue, since it is based only upon what your original contract stated. However, with a variable annuity, your account will lose value over time because of inflation. If you want to protect your future income, it is better to choose the latter. But if you wish to give yourself greater flexibility in investing for retirement, it is best to go with the former option. The main advantage of a variable annuity is that it gives you a greater control over how your money is invested.