Find the Payment of Annuity Using a PV Calculator

What is the value of a annuity? In simple terms, the value of a contract is equal to the amount paid out in the contract after deducting fees and expenses. However, the actual amount to be paid out depends on several factors, such as the interest rate of the contract, the term of the contract, and the premiums paid. Likewise, the annuitant’s age, health, and death are all taken into account. These factors can affect the annuity’s present value, called the selling price. A contract’s annuity premium is also an important consideration because this element adds to or subtracts from the total compensation received, in order to determine whether the annuitant will receive a lump sum or in payments throughout their lifetime.


An annuity’s present value is simply the amount that an annuitant would receive today, if the contract were to be settled at the time of death. The present value does not include any amount that would have been received previously, only the immediate amount received today. The current value, or the future value, is determined by calculating the present values of all future payments received.

How is the formula for the present value of an ordinary annuity used to determine the value? When using the present value formula for the value of annuities, it is assumed that the annuitant has both a lump sum payment and interest accrued from the settlement over time. This assumes that there are no premiums paid and that the person who buys the annuity does not expect to receive a large amount of money immediately. Because these assumptions are made, there can be a variety of figures used in the formula.

In certain situations, some of these assumptions can cause the value of a structured settlement to be higher than an annuity that pays out a lump sum, due to the fact that the amount of money to be received in the settlement will exceed the interest that can be earned. For this reason, in situations where the annuitant receives a large sum of money from the settlement, the value of annuity may be greater than the value of the annuity that pays out the same amount over time. Other situations that can cause the value to be greater than an ordinary annuity are when the person who buys the annuity also anticipates receiving regular payments. These amounts can equal more than the total of the payments actually received over time, thereby increasing the value of the annuity.

In order to find the periodic payment of a structured settlement, you need to find the total value of all future payments, due over time. In most cases, this will be the lump sum settlement that was mentioned above. However, if the settlement includes interest that accumulates instead of being paid out right away, you will have to add that amount to the total value to find the true value. In situations like this, you can use a mathematical formula or two to determine what the true value will be before making your purchase.

With the use of a PV calculator, you can find the value of your annuity and compare it with the lump sum payment of a structured settlement. You will want to do this as a way of ensuring that the payments are higher than the interest rate on the loan that is being used for the purchase, and that the total number of payments remains constant over the course of time. This ensures that the payments are worth the amount that they are made out to be, and that the total number of payments remains the same.