Why Sell Settlement Now

If you're looking to sell your structured settlement, there is no time like the present. Of course, if you're facing an emergency situation, you simply can't choose when you need your funds. But even if you're not facing a financial emergency, you stand to gain by selling your structured settlement now.

Time Value of Money
The first reason is that you will be getting less and less from your structured settlement over time. Time works against fixed payment settlements and annuities. Right now $100 would buy a decent amount, but in twenty years that $100 will buy quite a bit less. By holding your structured settlement for a long period of time, you'll be getting the same amount each month or year, but you'll get less for that money over time.

Learn more on time value of money

If you chose to sell your structured settlement now, you will have a large lump sum in hand that you can invest yourself. In this case, time will work for you and you'll be able to control your investments in order to make your money work for you and grow over time.

Estate Planning
While it's hard to think of mortality, collecting twenty years of structured settlement payouts at an advanced age is unlikely. Most structured settlements aren't included in estates, so selling the structured settlement will ensure that you have a large amount to enjoy now and plenty to pass on to your dependents as well.

Once you understand the time value of money and future value considerations it becomes clear that collecting the payments isn't as beneficial as others ways to make your money work for you.

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